Category / Whiteboard & resources How can I upload a document?

There are various ways to upload a document from your device and share it with other users.

Upload from your device


  1. You will click on the + icon and create new document appears at the top or you can also click on Create/Open that appears in the lower right corner.
  2. Select the Upload an existing resource tab.
Upload a document modal file
  1. Drag and drop a document or multiple documents from your device or click on Choose a local file and select the files from your device
Upload a document tab
  1. All the files will appear on the loader,wait untill all files appeared as completly loaded.
  2. When all files appear as uploaded, you can remove specific files from the list by clicking on the trash icon.
  3. Click on add and all the files will upload to the room.

Mobile or tablet

How can I upload files from my mobile or tablet?

Upload from Google Drive

  1. Click on the + icon and create new document appears at the top or you can also click on Create/Open that appears in the lower right corner.
  2. Select the Upload an existing resource tab.
  3. Click on the GoogleDrive logo at the left side.
  4. Click on the Connect to Google Drive button and log in into your Google account.
  5. Once successfully connected to your account, the list of documents in your Google Drive account will appear. Select the file(s) you want to upload to GoClass.
  6. Click on add and all the files will upload to the room.

GoClass assist
